Ready to get your real estate license? We've got you covered!

"In the world of real estate, mediocrity is not an option. John Mayfield, an international best-selling real estate author and a sought-after coach with Global Real Estate School, understands this profoundly. His mission goes beyond helping you pass the real estate exam on your first attempt. John aspires to sculpt you into a real estate rock star, professionals who don’t just navigate the industry but redefine it.

Hear what other students around the U.S. have to say about Global Real Estate School.


"I wanted to express my appreciation for your school. It was hard to see during the schooling. However, when I started my new career, I discovered that your school's preparation was different from that of other educational institutes. Some of the agents in my office had to take the test three times. In fact, I am the only one who passed it the first time I am aware of. I've advocated for your school multiple times now to different people. I wish you the best and just wanted to give you the feedback in case you don't hear it enough!"

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