
What Should You Do If Others Begin Discussing Commissions While You Are In A Meeting?  Find Out On Today’s Podcast For The Real Estate Examination

What Should You Do If Others Begin Discussing C...

What Should You Do If Others Begin Discussing Commissions While You Are In A Meeting?  Find Out On Today’s Podcast For The Real Estate Examination

What Should You Do If Others Begin Discussing C...

What Should You Do If Others Begin Discussing Commissions While You Are In A Meeting?  Find Out On Today’s Podcast For The Real Estate Examination

John Mayfield, REALTOR, Owner, Global Real Estate School

Meet Your Course Instructor and School Owner

Some schools practice what they preach!  Yes, I am still in the trenches listing and selling every day.  If you are considering real estate schools, just know Global Real Estate...

Meet Your Course Instructor and School Owner

Some schools practice what they preach!  Yes, I am still in the trenches listing and selling every day.  If you are considering real estate schools, just know Global Real Estate...

Welcome, Autumn!

Welcome, Autumn!

Now is the perfect time to take that leap and start your new career as a real estate professional. Check us out today and see how we can help get...

Welcome, Autumn!

Now is the perfect time to take that leap and start your new career as a real estate professional. Check us out today and see how we can help get...

"Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall." - F. Scott Fitzgerald

"Life starts all over again when it gets crisp ...

"Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall." - F. Scott Fitzgerald   #GlobalRealEstateSchool #RealEstate #RealEstateAgent#RealEstateBroker #Realty #GetYourRealEstateLicense #RealEstateSchool#RealEstateLicense #TestTaking #ChangeYourLife #REAgent #RESchool #GlobalRealEstate...

"Life starts all over again when it gets crisp ...

"Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall." - F. Scott Fitzgerald   #GlobalRealEstateSchool #RealEstate #RealEstateAgent#RealEstateBroker #Realty #GetYourRealEstateLicense #RealEstateSchool#RealEstateLicense #TestTaking #ChangeYourLife #REAgent #RESchool #GlobalRealEstate...

Ready for a career in real estate?

Ready for a career in real estate?

Ready for a career in real estate? We've got you covered! Check us out today and see how we're the best in the business to help you get licensed and...

Ready for a career in real estate?

Ready for a career in real estate? We've got you covered! Check us out today and see how we're the best in the business to help you get licensed and...

Let's get you back to school!

Let's get you back to school!

Let's get you back to school with a new career in real estate!   #GlobalRealEstateSchool #RealEstate #RealEstateAgent#RealEstateBroker #Realty #GetYourRealEstateLicense #RealEstateSchool#RealEstateLicense #TestTaking #ChangeYourLife #REAgent #RESchool #GlobalRealEstate #SellProperty #RealEstateExam #OnlineCourse...

Let's get you back to school!

Let's get you back to school with a new career in real estate!   #GlobalRealEstateSchool #RealEstate #RealEstateAgent#RealEstateBroker #Realty #GetYourRealEstateLicense #RealEstateSchool#RealEstateLicense #TestTaking #ChangeYourLife #REAgent #RESchool #GlobalRealEstate #SellProperty #RealEstateExam #OnlineCourse...