
What is a brownfield? You need to know this for...
What is a brownfield? You need to know this for the real estate exam! In this podcast episode, we continue to discuss restrictions on contaminated property. Specifically, brownfields. A brownfield...
What is a brownfield? You need to know this for...
What is a brownfield? You need to know this for the real estate exam! In this podcast episode, we continue to discuss restrictions on contaminated property. Specifically, brownfields. A brownfield...

There WILL be questions about Restrictions on C...
In this podcast episode, we discuss restrictions on contaminated property. This covers percolation tests, radon, lead-based paint, and more! Subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or...
There WILL be questions about Restrictions on C...
In this podcast episode, we discuss restrictions on contaminated property. This covers percolation tests, radon, lead-based paint, and more! Subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or...

The Biggest Mistake Most Students Make who Fail...
The Biggest Mistake Most Students Make who Fail the Real Estate Exam
The Biggest Mistake Most Students Make who Fail...
The Biggest Mistake Most Students Make who Fail the Real Estate Exam

You Could Very Well See This Exam Question on t...
Here is a question you could very well see on the real estate exam. Are you currently enrolled in a pre-license real estate school in the U.S.? If so,...
You Could Very Well See This Exam Question on t...
Here is a question you could very well see on the real estate exam. Are you currently enrolled in a pre-license real estate school in the U.S.? If so,...

How to answer Mitigation questions on the Real ...
In this podcast episode, I'm going to tell you how to answer mitigation questions on the real estate exam. Subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts,...
How to answer Mitigation questions on the Real ...
In this podcast episode, I'm going to tell you how to answer mitigation questions on the real estate exam. Subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts,...

What is an Abatement? Find out on this episode ...
In this podcast episode, I’m going to talk about a legal term called "abatement." Now, most people have never heard of this term before, but it's actually really important in...
What is an Abatement? Find out on this episode ...
In this podcast episode, I’m going to talk about a legal term called "abatement." Now, most people have never heard of this term before, but it's actually really important in...